Saturday, August 31, 2019

Effect of Parenting Styles and Culture on Children Essay

A newborn child is like a blank paper, whatever you write on it or whatever he sees and learns in his youth will reflect in his personality. How a child interacts with his surrounding and environment in the future is greatly dependent upon the parenting style. Darling and Steinberg define parenting style as â€Å"a constellation of attitudes toward the child that are communicated to the child and create an emotional climate in which the parent’s behaviors are expressed† (Paul, 2009, p.280). Parenting style is the primary factor in devising child’s personality and attitude towards his environment. It is very important that parents create productive and caring atmosphere for a child. This will support his overall personality and behavior. Cultural background, religion, and environment are secondary factors that are equally important in affecting the child in the long run. Many parents face cultural and religious limitations and forced to follow or undertake certain parenting style that is common to their culture and country. Today, such views are changing, and parents are more willing and open minded towards their child’s brought up. They want to give him the best, may it be values, education or environment. Socioeconomic factor does have an effect on a child’s personality, but parenting style is the main driving force behind any child’s attitude and behavior. Discussion Dimensions to Parenting Different views and opinions exist in different countries, on which parenting style is best for building distinct personalities. People belonging to different countries have their own beliefs and preferences that again depend upon their cultural background. To remove confusion about which parenting style is the best, psychologist Diana Baumrind believes that parenting styles consist of following key dimensions (Janette, 2009). Disciplinary strategies Disciplinary strategies entail different types of disciplinary methods and rules. Parents follow this strategy to make children obey instructions in their daily routine. It can be related to their daily task like eating and sleeping habits or education. Warmth and nurturance All emotions and feelings of love and care come under this dimension that will help them through their tough times. It is very important that we discipline them by giving confidence and attention. Punishing is not the solution, instead it makes them more rebellious. It is always better to explain so that next time they behave more responsibly. Communication How we communicate with them is very important as that will have a deep impact on their understanding, attitude and interpersonal skills. Some parents feel that they do not need to explain things and their orders need to be followed without any excuse. Others believe in reasoning and explanation which is definitely a better approach than pointing out a child’s mistakes in a harsh manner. Parents, who are willing to go down to a child’s level of communication to make him understand, have better relationships with them in the long run. Expectations of maturity and control Parents demand a certain level of maturity and expect the child to behave in a positive manner under unusual circumstances. For instance, most parents expect children to display best manners and follow instructions in public places. Putting them under stress and pressure from every young age further aggravates things. The child is unable to understand and accept things in a difficult situation. After identifying the above mentioned important aspects of parent’s behavior, Diana Baumrind concluded that parents fall into parenting styles when analyzed on the basis of above mentioned dimensions (Janette, 2009). Parenting styles in general Baumrind came up with three basic parenting styles, however, with passing time and debate over the issue, a fourth parenting style was also identified by Maccoby and Martin (Kim, 2008). Currently there are four parenting styles in total. They are considered to be universal and common to parents all over the world regardless of their cultural background or country. Authoritarian Parenting As the name suggests, parents falling under this category want children to follow their instructions without questioning. They believe that the only solution to discipline the child is punishing them so that they remain scared and never repeat the same mistake. The child apparently follows the order but fails to understand the reason; therefore, acceptance level is naturally low. (, 2012) Authoritative Parenting Parents belonging to this type are strict about rules and disciplinary issues as well as open to children’s issue and questions. They are willing to listen and understand if any problem exists. They want to explain why they are expected to act in a positive manner and how will it benefit them in the long run. As a result, there is maximum control and high acceptance. Permissive Parenting Such parents are passive and ignorant toward children’s attitude. They are too lenient and flexible. They do not set any rules or limitations and are more responsive towards their needs. Expectations and demands are very low, and the child is allowed to do most of the things without any checks and control. Such parents want to build friendly relationship with the child but avoid confronting him if something goes wrong. They are passive and believe that the child will learn on trial and error basis. Uninvolved Parenting Uninvolved parents believe that their job is limited to fulfilling the child’s basic needs and demands. They have no interest in the child’s life and activities as such. Children of such parents are on their own. In some situations, parents coming under this category may even ignore and overlook their basic duties toward the child. Both acceptance level and control is at the lowest level in this parenting style. Parenting Styles in Different Cultures Analysis of different literature and data regarding which parenting style is suitable in a particular culture shows that some parenting styles are not universal and may have different effects on different cultures. Authoritative parenting style is considered to be the best practice during a child’s upbringing. Even this faultless style has varied levels of positive effects when applied in different countries and cultures. Steinberg suggests that there are few basic similarities between African-American parents and Asian-American parents due to their socioeconomic values and situation. Both are conservative and protective towards their children, therefore, mostly end up undertaking authoritarian parenting behavior that does help in improving their education and academics but fail in saving children from indulging in disturbing activities and deviating attitude. In general, it has not proved very effective for an overall positive upbringing. In depth analysis of Steinberg research shows that authoritative style has an overall positive effect especially if we talk about the child’s personality development and attitude. In contrast to Asian-American and African-American parents, European and American parents mostly undertake an authoritative parenting style supported by their cultural background and living style. Even some of the American families belonging to the Catholic group follow authoritarian parenting style so that the child conforms to expected manners and behaviors without questioning them. (Masumoto and Juang, 2012) Chinese culture is also very conservative and strict when it comes to children as explained by Ruth Chao (Matsumoto and Juang, 2012). They believe in a terminology â€Å"chiao shun† which means maintaining control and strictness in training. Parent’s strict attitude towards children is normal in Japanese culture. The child must obey the rules or he may have to face punishment or penalty of some kind. Many people belonging to the Asian culture share similar beliefs. Authoritarian parenting style does have some positive effects on Chinese and Asian children in relation to academic achievement and mannerism. This style is compatible with their cultural beliefs and is easier to follow. North American culture supports both authoritarian parenting and authoritative parenting to some extent. Their emphasis is on raising children with strong personality traits and characteristics who know their family values and culture. Effects of Parenting Styles in young age and later Baumrind conducted a research study on 100 preschoolers. It clearly showed the early years of a child are very crucial for his positive upbringing and nurturing. Personality development starts from a very young age, and it depends on parents how they transfer and instill values and positive traits in them through supporting their emotional, physical and interpersonal skills. Things learned at this stage become a permanent part of their personality and cannot be undone in most of the cases. According to research by Maccoby and Baumrind, authoritative parenting style resulted in children that were happy and successful in their academics and practical life while authoritarian style produced children that were obedient and capable but weak emotionally. They lacked a sense of happiness and confidence during social interaction and in relationships. Unengaged parenting style resulted in children with the lowest rank on all scales, may it be success, emotion, happiness or relationships. Permissive parent’s children were also observed very closely. They showed problems in discipline and confidence levels. Parenting style used in adolescence and early stages of a child’s life has lasting effects and make them who they are as an adult. How they manage relationships, work, family, problems are to a large extent dependent upon how they were raised. Emotionally healthy children might not be as successful, but will always be more happy and content with what they have. They will have enough capability to achieve what he wants from life. Conclusion It is apparent from the above mentioned data analysis and researches that parenting styles have a lot to do with child’s personality and development. How parents deal with them at an adolescent age, is very crucial for positive development as a person. Emotional and social values are more important and need to be instilled in the very beginning of a child’s development. They will naturally support other traits and abilities that need to be developed later on in life. The relationship between a child and their parents is a global phenomenon. Societal limitation must not hinder the upbringing and development, if it is for good and betterment of their future. Parenting styles in different cultures do need more research and analysis. This will develop better understanding of which type of parenting is best. Parents can always alter certain parenting style in terms of the four dimensions as and when required. Parents should become a role model for their child through demonstrating positive values. Give them love, respect so they learn to do the same towards others. Developing sense of trust in children towards parents is extremely important and effective in building a strong bond.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Path-Goal Theory Essay

Purpose: Leadership is the key to the success of organizations, businesses or individuals. While the leaders are important, so are the subordinates. This article digs deep into the leader-subordinate relationships, what are the expectations from the leader, what are the various kind of leadership styles and how each styles impacts the subordinates. There have been immense amount of researches done on the topic of leadership and impact on subordinates. One theory ‘Expectancy theory’ states that and individual’s attitude (eg. Satisfaction with supervision or job satisfaction) or behavior (e.g. leader behavior or job effort) can be predicted from 1) the degree to which the job or behavior is seen as leading to various outcomes (expectancy and 2) the evaluation of these outcomes. Our interest on any project basically depends on the expected outcome. I want to relate this theory to a different kind of topic. I have observed, peoples’ passion for a certain â€Å"demand† goes down after they don’t see an outcome from the authorities. A good example could be the â€Å"Immigration Protests†. The proponents of â€Å"path to citizenship† and illegal aliens did protests etc. several times between 2008-2011. These protests were more common and passionate in President Obama’s previous tenure. But since nothing has come out even after several years of unrelenting protests, debates and voting on numerous immigration bills in the congress, I feel now that they are exhausted and not very positive this time around. The Path-Goal Theory of Leadership suggests that effective leadership affects subordinates’ motivation and their ability to perform. The theory proposes that leaders behavior is acceptable to subordinates as far as it is a source of satisfaction also leaders behavior is motivational for the subordinates if it helps the subordinates to perform better or it provides coaching, guidance, support or reward for effective performance. Considering these propositions Path-Goal theory suggest that leader’s main functions are to enhance subordinates’ motivation to perform, satisfaction with the job and acceptance of the leader. Leader’s Function: Path-Goal Theory and other leadership-Subordinate theories describes there are several strategic function of the leader which consists of 1) recognize and arouse subordinates’ needs for outcomes over which the leader has some control. 2) Setup a rewarding system after achievement of certain objectives 3) Make the path to achieve easier by participation, or supporting them 4) remove barriers 5) Give more opportunities that motivates them. Leadership Behavior: There are four important leadership behaviors that are discussed in the article, Supportive, directive, participative and achievement oriented. The research suggested that supportive leadership works best in the stressful & frustrating conditions also when the tasks given to subordinates are not satisfying. Leader’s directiveness is found to be positive when tasks are ambiguous and directions are not clear. In this scenario subordinates gets information from the directions and have more information how to achieve the task while directive nature of the leadership has a negative effect when the tasks are clear, it kind-of frustrates the subordinates. A study by House, Valency and Van Der Krabben suggested that â€Å"Achievement Oriented leadership†, has positive effects on the workers who does non-repetitive and ambiguous jobs, the reason behind workers satisfaction could be their belief that good performance could mean better payoffs. While it seems that â€Å"Achievement-oriented† leadership has no or very little effect on the subordinates who does repetitive or â€Å"clearly outlined† tasks. There is one more reason that is provided in the article is about the nature of the people who does non-repetitive and more ambiguous jobs. These people may be IT professionals or white collar jobs who may get more flexibility and autonomy while working for achievement-oriented tasks. Mitchell described four ways in which Participative Leadership affects subordinates’ behavior, first a participative climate increases the clarity of the tasks, organizational contingencies etc. Secondly it gives a choice to the subordinates to pick their goals they are able to see what they value more and how they can achieve it. Thirdly when the leader participates with the subordinates they get more involved in the process and subordinates get more ownership of the work. The fourth impact is a result of the third point, when subordinates starts to feel to get â€Å"ownership† of the work, then they starts feeling the pressure for high performance due to inner conscience. I think it is a very good article as it is very relevant to our daily work be it professional or personal challenges. It clearly shows the path for the leadership style you should take for managing your subordinates and ultimately reach your organization’s and your personal goals. 1)Discussion: Can people, who hold certain personality traits, fit in situation where a different kind of leadership is required? For example a â€Å"micromanager†, who has a directive nature, will he be able to fit in the situation where the subordinates’ job is stressful and tasks are dissatisfying. 2)How can these researches be used when companies are hiring managers? Do they need to first layout the kind of the work company does and then they should interview people and try to find out the personality traits and their leadership style and then map it with what is best for the organizations’ environment. 3)Can there be leaders who have all the leadership styles ie. Directive, Supportive, Participative and Achievement Oriented?

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Awareness about the Energy Sources of the World Essay

Energy supply refers to the process of combining resources through natural or artificial means in order to manipulate energy and use it for several human applications. Energy simply describes the ability of a matter to perform work. From an economist point of view, energy dictates the evolution of industries and civilizations in the world thus, a country’s economy largely depends on its production and utilization. Some of the common energy sources are the geothermal energy, the wind energy, the solar energy and the water energy. Geothermal energy is the heat that came from the earth’s core. This large amount of energy is usually collected through drilling of wells beneath the earth’s surface and converted to electricity by turbines and generators. Wind energy is described by the power produced by blowing winds which is collected by a spinning rotor and converted into mechanical energy. Solar energy is the heat radiation that came from the sun travels to the Earth in the form of photons. Water energy is the power generated by hydraulic turbines from the extensive fall of water from a higher surface to a lower ground (Yergin, 2007). Energy sources can primarily be classified as renewable and non-renewable. Renewable sources refer to the resources that can be easily replaced by natural processes after using them while the non-renewable resources are those that can be depleted since they can only be replaced after a very long period of time. Examples of renewable sources are the solar energy and water energy. Petroleum that comes from the fossil fuels and mineral deposits are examples of non-renewable sources. Due to extensive use of our non-renewable sources of energy, such as petroleum from fossil fuels, energy crisis in most part of the world is badly experienced. Such crises are described by the extreme inflation of the international oil price in the world market (Yergin, 2007). This effect is primarily due to the depletion of some sources of petroleum due to uncontrolled extraction of some major oil suppliers. These problems are associated with high demand of oil by large companies due extensive usage of fuels and rapid growth of industrial civilization. Due to this, the governments of different countries are trying to promote sustainable developments that will ease problems in conservation of the energy sources of the world. Reference: Yergin, Daniel, et al. â€Å"World Energy Supply. â€Å" Microsoft ® Student 2008 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2007.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Propaganda Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Propaganda - Research Paper Example More importantly, it is an indication of the distrust of mainstream media sources and the information (misinformation) being generated by them. This viewpoint is reflected in other contemporary scholarship on the subject. Prominent among them is Nicholas O’Shaughnessy’s work, which has spawned a new discipline in social sciences – that of Political Marketing. In his book titled Politics and Propaganda: Weapons of Mass Seduction, the author deciphers the real meaning and agenda behind political rhetoric and posturing. By studying extensively the media coverage of Iraq war and drawing suitable examples from it to support his claims, Shaughnessy illustrates how obfuscation of fact and propagation of myth are essential techniques of political marketers. And through this technique, propagandists are able to maintain the appeal of disinformation even when genuine sources of information are available in the digital medium. (Shaughnessy, 2005) Despite awareness created b y scholars such as Shaughnessy, public expressions of disagreement and distrust only account for a politically aware minority while the large majority of the population is subject to government propaganda, orchestrated and implemented by major media institutions. Indeed, the ruthlessness and brazenness with which the Bush Administration went about achieving its strategic goals can be learnt from the following quote: â€Å"The issue of whether the Pentagon was waging an orchestrated domestic propaganda campaign was first openly acknowledged in the fall of 2002. Donald Rumsfeld was asked whether the Pentagon was engaged in propagandizing through the Defense Department's Office of Strategic Influence (strategic influence is military jargon for propaganda). Military officials said they might release false news stories to the foreign press, but they had to retract that when news organizations expressed concern that the bogus stories could be picked up in the domestic press. Mocking conc erns about propaganda blowback, Rumsfeld informed the media on November 18, 2002, that he would eliminate the program in name only. (Goodman & Goodman, 2004, p.253) One might wonder why such a nexus between apparently two different kinds of institutions should exist and what benefits would its leaders attain in the process. There are a handful of sociological and political economic theories of news production that attempt to answer this most pressing question of modern democratic societies. One of the major contributions to the subject of government-media propaganda is made by Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman. Their seminal work titled Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of Mass Media is perhaps the most illuminating work on this subject, alongside Ben H. Bagdikian's another path-breaking work 'Media Monopoly'. In Manufacturing Consent, Chomsky and Herman layout a template for how propaganda works. This they called the Propaganda Model. In it they identify a set of five key f actors that contribute to the functioning of propaganda machinery. These are: 1. Ownership of the medium 2. Medium's funding sources 3. Sourcing 4. Flak and 5. Anti-Communist Ideology. (Mcchesney, 1989, p.36) It should be remembered that during the time of the book's publication, Soviet Union was still in existence and Anti-Communist ideology comprised the dominant American foreign policy paradigm. In the context of the

A Critical Examination of the Documentary Hypothesis Essay

A Critical Examination of the Documentary Hypothesis - Essay Example This latter view forms the core of the Documentation Hypothesis.The Documentation Hypothesis proposes that the Pentateuch is a composite work consisting of four literary strands. The four strands have been assigned the letters J, E, D, and P; each representing a different document or source that was woven into the fabric of the Bible. This set of assumptions is also known as the Graf-Wellhausen theory. According to this view, the letter "J" stands for the Yahwist ("J" from the German Jahweh) Narrative, coming from the period of the early Jewish monarchy, about 950 B.C. "E" stands for the Elohist Narrative from the region of the Northern Kingdom dating from about 750 B.C. "D" is best represented by the book of Deuteronomy and is said to have originated in the Southern Kingdom about 650 B.C. or later. And finally, "P" is the Priestly Document that comes from the period after the fall of Israel in 587 B.C. According to the theory, the Pentateuch reached its current form around the time of Ezra or about 400 B.C. (Closson)The conservative view holds to Mosaic authorship and treats the books as a literary unit. This does not mean that Moses did not use other documents to write the books. ... This established the first principle of what is now known as the Documentary Hypothesis, the assumption that different divine names must mean different authors or sources. In 1780 Johann Eichhorn applied the idea of two sources to the rest of Genesis, Exodus, and finally to most of the Pentateuch. He gave up on the belief of Mosaic authorship as well. (Closson) In 1805, Wilhem De Wette argued that none of the Pentateuch was written before David. He established the "D" document standing for Deuteronomy, which he believed was written as propaganda to support political and religious unification in Jerusalem during the reign of King Josiah around 621 B.C. The "P" or Priestly Document of the current theory was added by Hermann Hupfeld in 1853. He believed that the E source should be split in two, the later becoming the new P document. The name most associated with the documentary hypothesis is Julius Wellhausen. His publications in the late 1870's argued from a Darwinistic perspective. (Closson) Counter Arguments Against Documentation Hypothesis The following are the defenses against the Documentation Hypothesis. In essence, according to Archer (105-110), the Documentary Hypothesis banished Moses into the illiterate mists of oral tradition. Archer pointed out that in the Hypothesis, the text of the Torah or Pentateuch is used as evidence but consistently evaded whenever it happens to contradict the Hypothesis itself. Further, sarcastically, according to Archer, the documentarians likewise assume that Hebrew authors differ from any other writers known in the history of literature in that they alone were incapable of using more than one name for God; more than one style of writing, no matter what the difference in subject matter is;

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Research Project Proposal (How is text messaging affecting teen Paper

Project Proposal (How is text messaging affecting teen literacy) - Research Paper Example Very small empirical studies have been conducted on the impacts of text-messaging to the teenagers to determine the validity of this concern. Generally text messaging has proved generate negative responses from the teachers, language experts, and also parents. This has ended up being described as continued mugging of technology to written English (Lee, 2002). According to (Plester et al., 2009), there exist a positive effect of the use of text-messaging amongst the children. This has not affected their knowledge and performance on standard measures of academic literacy and achievements. Research done to teenagers and young adults has shown that some negative relationships have been proved to exist text behavior and the use of language skills. However, the use of textese-texting language is associated positively with traditional literacy skills (Kemp, 2010). The study intends to use both primary and secondary sources of gathering data. The researcher will formulate focus groups of 5-10 teenagers in schools to help in gathering the data. Interviews will also be used to determine individual concerns about the use of this change in technology- the interviews will be conducted orally and using open ended questions that will offer information for analysis. There will be the use of statistical application of programs for the analysis of the

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Watergate Scandal Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Watergate Scandal - Research Paper Example Nixon effected the American breakthrough with China with his landmark visit. In Moscow, he signed the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty and an Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty to slow the arms race. The Paris Peace Accord ended American military involvement in Vietnam. â€Å"American President: Richard Nixon (1890-1969).† However, Nixon is now largely remembered as the only President to resign from office. Richard Nixon’s legacy is centered on solely one issue: the Watergate scandal, with its connotations of abuse of power and impropriety. The Watergate Scandal originated in June 1971, as a reaction to the publication of an intensive study of the Vietnam War by Daniel Ellsberg. Fearing that these ‘Pentagon Papers’ would reveal his own political secrets, Nixon established the Special Investigations Group (SIG): nicknamed ‘the plumbers’ because of their mandate to prevent any media leaks about the Nixon administration. In an attempt to discredit Ells berg, G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt of the SIG organized the burglary of the office of Ellsberg’s psychiatrist, to gather damaging evidence. In 1972, the Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP) allocated funds for Operation Gemstone, a campaign to gather information against Nixon’s political adversaries. ... Nixon won a landslide election victory in November 1972, and began his second term as President. (â€Å"The Watergate Scandal†). At this juncture, the dam of the Watergate Scandal broke, and the deluge washed away his Presidency. The exposure of the Watergate Scandal gained momentum due to the reporting of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein of the Washington Post. Their informer, called ‘Deep Throat,’ was revealed in 2005 to be the former deputy director of the FBI, W. Mark Felt.  (â€Å"Deep Throat Revealed.†) As Nixon attempted to cover his tracks over past political errors, the axiom that â€Å"the cover-up of the crime can be more damaging than the crime itself† (â€Å"American President: Richard Nixon (1890-1969)†) proved true. It became increasingly clear that the break-in was authorized by top White House officials, campaign funds were diverted for illegal SIG operations, and that the White House attempted to buy the silence of the arres ted men. It was proved that a $25,000 cheque from the campaign fund was paid to Bernard L. Barker and hush money was given to E. Howard Hunt to be distributed by his wife. In January, 1973,  Frank Sturgis,  E. Howard Hunt,  Virgilio Gonzalez,  Eugenio Martinez,  Bernard L. Barker,  G. Gordon Liddy  and  James W. McCord  were convicted of conspiracy, burglary and wiretapping. James W. McCord  wrote to Judge James Sirica alleging that the defendants submitted to political pressure from John Dean, Counsel to the President, and John Mitchell, Director of CREEP, to remain silent and plead guilty. Nixon persisted in maintaining his ignorance of the operations, but his defense began to wear thin. (â€Å"The Watergate Scandal†). As the net began to

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Guns control Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Guns control - Research Paper Example The issue of guns can be reviewed based on a social approach, the criminal approach and the political approach. There should be stricter gun control to avoid the repeat of killings by gun owners. In the wake of shootings across America, republicans and democrats have been at it spreading their agenda about the existing gun laws. The political approach in the debate deals with the laws and political players that have a voice in the debate (MacKay 17). This approach is a key player in the debate because the decisions taken by the political leaders have a wide impact on the citizens. Democrats and republics find themselves in different sides of the debate. The pro-gun faction is strengthened by the support of the republicans who are largely doomed as conservatists. The national rifle association is also a strong force that has an association with the republicans in the pro-gun movement. The democrats are largely in support of the gun control. The key role of the government is to guarantee the citizens a high level of security. There should not be fear of attack but use of guns from other people who were let to recklessly use them because of less strict laws. The role of government in making laws that guarantee safety is very much on demand based on the statistics over the recent years. These who rally for the anti-gun control initiatives argue on the basis of individual rights to security and ownership of a weapon to keep safe. While this could be true and very worthwhile to pursue, it is imperative to consider the wider scope. The social impact of the presence of guns is significant to factor in. The second amendment does much to give freedom of owning firearms by common American citizens. While this freedom is necessary, it should be checked whether there is a significant social cause for ownership of a firearm. In times where people conduct random shootings in the streets and raid schools, there should be a concern on what the freedom

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Paper on Jim dine ( wheat filds ) art work Essay

Paper on Jim dine ( wheat filds ) art work - Essay Example This is evident through the use of three dimensional objects in creating the artwork. Examples of the three dimensional objects that are evident include the 14 feet long axle complete with two wheels, an ‘illusionary’ wooden skull, an oar, a rake, sculptures of a bird, a egg, an axe, twigs, 24 inch headless sculpture of the sacred heart of Jesus, as well as a sculptured lion. The astonishing and illusionary rubber feet create a dimensionality of triploid painting. This is whereby the eyes do not perceive the flat wall; but fools the eyes into seeing a street disappear in the distance. Degree of Representation Jim Dine employs this aspect of presentation in order to leave the viewer confused as to what is real and what is not real. The multi coloured parrot and the bright red oars appear as if they are real but upon a closer scrutiny and subjecting them to the sense of touch, the reality of the cold, bronze material in the construction is evident. The choice of bronze mat erial evokes a brutish, nostalgic reality that Dine employed in the still life artwork. ... They symbolic objects also appear to have their own life and variety. However, they are all just illusion that have been conjured in bronze and paint by an apparent cynical artist in the persona of Jim Dine. Elements of Design The still life artwork has largely used bronze as the basic material in designing all the objects presents. The most standing out image is the skull like sculpture whose design has employed very unique elements of design. Foremost, the skull sculpture appears to have a brownish and wood-like texture. This illusionary effect has been achieved by the painting a brownish colour all over skull sculpture. This has consequently created the illusion that the skull has been curved from wood while in reality it is a bronze sculpture. Furthermore, the skulls forehead appears have cracks that give an impression that it is old. However, this has been achieved through dark line designs across the skull’s forehead. In addition, the skulls eyes appear hollow. This has been achieved by applying a dark painting into the engorged eye sockets. The elements of design employed in the wheel tyres of the tractor axle have also employed an element of design that gives it a realistic impression. Foremost, the tire treads have been intricately carved out from bronze. In addition, they have been painted black and glossed over in order to give them a bright shiny look and further give it a realistic impression of tractor tires. It should also be noted that the boat oars have been painted in a bright red colour. This clearly makes them stand out among the array of objects. As far as spacing is concerned, all the objects have been evenly spaced along the axle rod. Furthermore,

Friday, August 23, 2019

2 important issues for paralegals today licensing and unauthorzed Research Paper

2 important issues for paralegals today licensing and unauthorzed practice of law by non-lawyers - Research Paper Example For example in some states, it is regarded as a felony which can lead to a sentence of a minimum of five years, or a fine of not less than five thousand dollars, regardless of whether the unauthorized person had permission from court (Susan 2007 p 158). However, other states grant permission to unlicensed people to offer certain services such as selling legal forms, and providing common instructions and other services whereby the interest of clients may not be put at stake. They are preferred by clients because they charge lower prices than the attorneys. Blades and Vermylen (2004 p 642) observe that information technology has brought drastic changes in the legal profession. People are able to access critical information regarding legal issues from the internet. This has been a major improvement in enlightening the public regarding their legal rights. However, people are exposed to the wrong information generated by the unauthorized practicing lawyers that can jeopardize their rights. This is because both the authorized and unauthorized lawyers can post unlimited information on websites. The most risky part is where a client completes a deal in the website, where there is no interaction between the lawyer and the client. Such passive websites may be used by laymen and may not offer the correct information regarding legal matters, a problem that has recently raised concerns in many states (Tony 2004 p 227). However, secure methods such as the use of cautiously developed disclaimers are in use by lawyers in order to separate between th e unauthorized practices of law from the licensed lawyers. The use of measures for identification through the use of disclaimers have been significant in ensuring that only the authorized lawyers serve clients, but without any deals being completed in the website. They only provide general information, making it less attractive to people in the unauthorized practice of law (Blades

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Diversifying Hoikuen Offerings to Drive Japan Essay Example for Free

Diversifying Hoikuen Offerings to Drive Japan Essay Japan lies amongst the leading countries in providing the early childhood care and education in the world. The pre-primary and child care industry is one of the most important growth drivers of the overall education industry in Japan and forms a major share of the educational spending of the households. The falling births rates of Japan for last several years have although adversely affected the number of enrollments in last few years, however, the demand for the childcare and preschool centres remains high. The rising participation of women in the workforce has further strengthened the demand. Presently, the government of Japan is facing huge to provide more number of preschool and childcare centres in order to meet the huge demand. Private players, over the years have taken advantage of the prevailing demand-supply crisis situation and have resultantly gained increasing traction in the pre-primary education and childcare industry of Japan. The pre-primary education and childcare markets of Japan are broadly segmented on the basis of the target population and work status of parents, and are governed under separate ministries. The pre-primary education market of Japan is characterized by high gross enrollment rates, encouraged and supported by growing awareness levels amongst the masses about the importance of the pre-primary education. Pre-primary education market thus enjoys a dominant share in the overall market and showcased revenues of USD ~ million in FY’2012. The pre-primary market caters to children of 3-6 years of age through preschool centres called youchien. The childcare market of Japan is growing industry segment which caters to children of 4 months to 6 years of age through centers called hoikuen. The childcare centres of Japan provide both preschool education and care to the young kids. The demand for the childcare centres has been rising in Japan with an increasing number of dual-income earning households. In FY’2013, the market registered revenues of USD ~ million, growing by 7. 8% from FY’2012. Japan pre-primary education and childcare industry is highly fragmented with private players forming ~% of the total market. An increasing number of players have entered in the industry over the years, attracted by the high demand existing in the sector. Some of the major players include Pigeonhearts Corporation, Poppins Corporation, Benesse and CombiWith Corporation. Majority of the major providers are subsidiaries of companies operating in diverse fields while only a few such as Poppins Corporation, specialize in providing childcare  services. The pre-primary and childcare industry of Japan is undergoing changes regarding the curriculum adopted for the academic purposes. The industry is transitioning from a play-based curriculum to increasing preferability of the academic orientation in preschools. Also, the preschools and childcare centres in Japan have started providing diversified services with a view to attract greater number of enrollments. These include enrichment lessons, care services at vacations, night time care etc. Furthermore, the separate formats of childcare and preschools are expected to merge in future in order to satisfy the rising demand. The report â€Å"Japan Pre-primary Education and Childcare Industry Outlook to FY’2018† provides detailed overview on the preschool industry from various perspectives. The report encloses a comprehensive analysis of the various segments of the market reflecting the present scenario and future growth affected by changing industry dynamics in coming years. Additionally, the report also entails information about the government rules and policies, rational analysis of the macroeconomic factors, along with the competitive landscape of the pre-primary education and childcare industry. The report will help industry consultants, companies and other stakeholders to align their market centric strategies according to ongoing and expected trends in future. For more information on the market, please refer to our recent publication on: http://www. kenresearch. com/education/pre-school-education/japan-pre-primary-education-research-report/400-99. html.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Soap operas Essay Example for Free

Soap operas Essay Although this is true, it is still an issue that teenagers, especially, must be aware of. For this reason alone, I think that there should be more discussion about how to avoid date rape, and how to protect oneself from even getting into a situation where one could be raped. In the soap operas All My Children, and Sunset Beach, there are sexual issues that revolve around teenage relationships. There were discussions about whether or not to wait before having sexual intercourse. In All My Children, the storyline was about a teen-aged birth mother suing the adoptive parents for custody of her child. This storyline allowed for several discussions about the consequences of unplanned and unprotected sexual activity, and about the importance of waiting until one is ready before engaging in sexual intercourse. Although soaps sometime discuss the consequences of sexual acts, there are too many episodes that let sex just happen without any real discussion of its consequences. For instance on the soap Sunset Beach, there is a character, Annie, who is about twenty five years old, who sleeps with everyone on the show who has something that she wants. She is very rich and extremely manipulative. Through her conversations with friends, the audience learns that, deep down, all she wants is to find true love. Obviously she will not achieve what she really wants by being so sexually promiscuous and amoral, but some audiences may think that you can get what you want by sleeping around. If there are all of these negative images and ideas portrayed throughout soap operas, then why is it so popular to women? In a recent study done by Woods, he asked 100 high school girls about 23 possible reasons for watching soap operas. The top ten reasons were, (a) I just enjoy watching them, (b) it gives me something to do, (c) soaps are fun, (d) they fill up time, (e) its a pleasant way to rest, (f) they relax me, (g) soaps are a habit, (h) I can forget about school, (i) I can get away from my family, (j) and soaps cheer me up. It is apparent that these responses are what people might say for any television show. What attracts people to soap operas and the reasons behind them being fun and relaxing is because they deal with issues that happen in real life. Not everyone is going to get raped, or accidentally pregnant, but everyone should know that it can happen to them and they should be careful. It is interesting to think that maybe women are so attracted to soaps because it makes their lives seem more normal. Greenberg and Woods used a survey by the author Compesi to compare adult and adolescent results to similar questions on the reasons for watching soap operas. He mailed 52 surveys consisting of gratification items for the viewers of, All My Children. the findings for soaps and adolescent gratifications are a close match to those for soaps and adult gratifications. Although people do change, I feel that the foundation of what draws people in and interests continues in one way or another throughout a persons life. It is not an unrealistic assumption that sexuality is exciting to watch and learn about, especially for curious young individuals. Recently the issue of homosexuality has been incorporated within soap operas. In All My Children, the teenaged character Bianca came out as a lesbian. Along with this came her struggles of being accepted and the ability to find a happy relationship. There were a few episodes dealing with Biancas romantic happiness and with the fact that she had a crush on a straight woman. There was one episode where Bianca asked Frankie, a homosexual female that she was friends with, if she was afraid that Bianca would make a move on her. Frankie insisted that she didnt feel uncomfortable with her and also assured Bianca that she didnt want her to give her more space and that she valued their budding friendship. When another character, Vanessa, arrived, she ordered Frankie to leave Pine Valley because she lied to her about her sexuality. She asked Frankie to move out, saying that Frankie should have been honest from the beginning. Alone, Bianca offered to help Frankie find another place, but Frankie rejected her. Bianca told Frankie that, as usual, someone she liked was pulling away from her. In this example it is apparent that it is rough on a persons self-esteem to not be able to find love or a true friend because of ones sexuality or sexual preference. I would imagine that these episodes are not unrealistic in the life of a teenage lesbian, but I noticed that they did not portray a fulfilled life for one. The steamy love scenes are the norm for heterosexual couples, yet when it comes to homosexuals, they are rarely even allowed to touch. Every few scenes within an episode show two heterosexuals kissing, or being sexual with each other. When it comes to homosexuals, there is usually just discussion about the hardships that the person is enduring, and there are rarely any visual depictions of sexuality. Starting a few years ago was the first time that a lesbian kiss was even shown on daytime television. This issue of homosexuality is more open and talked about then it used to be, but they still do not seem to be portrayed the same as heterosexuals. Although gays are not represented accurately, watching them interact can desensitize some people that are uncomfortable dealing with those people who choose that lifestyle. Soaps deal with the issue of pregnancy as well. Having a baby could be a happy and exciting thing for some people, but it seems like most of the pregnancies on soaps deal with the negatives of pregnancy, like teenage pregnancies, pregnancies due to rape and pregnancies with twisted stories to them. An example of this is from the soap Sunset Beach, where the character Vanessa, an engaged woman, was impregnated in vitro. Due to an accident she was unconscious and the woman who was jealous of her boyfriend gave her the injection. It was not the sperm of her fianci , Michael, but a different male. Michael, who is now sterile, thinks that she is pregnant from him, but knows that he could not be the father. He thinks that she must have slept with another guy, and the saga continues. The is an exaggerated scenario, of course, but this type of situation allows for the audiences thoughts and discussion of safe sex and trust in ones partner. These are issues that every individual must deal with at one point or another, which may be another reason for the popularity of soap operas. If I were to speculate on the potential effects of viewing such content, I would say that viewers are getting ample information about sexual activity that promotes the idea that sexual activity is appropriate and beneficial for heterosexual couples in established relationships. The issues of rape, teenage sex and pregnancy, single parenting, drug addiction, abortion, infidelity, and death are all issues in which characters have dealt with. This allows the audience to discuss these issues without talking about themselves, which can be uncomfortable. An individuals morals and values about sex should stem from the home. It is the parents job to try and teach their children what sex and being a sexual person is all about. If these values are implemented, the young viewer should be able to decipher between what is right, what is wrong, and what is exaggerated. There are a variety of reasons for women to be attracted to soap operas, and sexuality is definitely one of them. Being a woman is a very powerful thing, and many people do not understand that. Some women and teenagers may feel that power when watching a sexual encounter, knowing that they have the power to do the same thing (less dramatically of course). Sex and being sexual are intriguing concepts that are very mysterious to some. By watching soap operas, we see the dramatic portrayal of how relationships should and should not be. There is the right and wrong way to go about becoming sexually active. Soap operas are an excellent way to see and learn about all of the right and wrong ways of dealing with issues, especially ones that deal with sexual relationships. People are always looking for a way to improve their relationships or spice them up, and soap operas are an excellent way to either learn something new, or fanaticize about the perfect relationship. The fact that soap operas are so exaggerated, I feel, is the major draw to them because they make reality and everyday life seem more normal. References: Greenberg, S. B, Woods, M. G. (1999). The soaps: their sex, gratifications, and outcomes.The Journal Of Sex Research, 36(3), 250. Committee on Communications, American Academy of Pediatrics. (1995). Sexuality, contraception, and the media. Pediatrics, 95(2), 298.

The Case Of Gondar City Administration Tourism Essay

The Case Of Gondar City Administration Tourism Essay With its historic heritage, cultural diversity, and urban vitality, Istanbul has significant potential upon which creativity and cultural industries could flourish. This paper examines the current structure of three cultural industries in Istanbul from a spatial perspective. These sectors are arts and culture festivals, the film industry, and the fashion design industry. This study attempts to define and measure cultural industries in Gondar city. It starts with a discussion of the definition and delineation of the term cultural industries, arguing that a large range of goods services can be considered culture industry products that it is important to place the production and exchange of such products in the context of an industrial systems approach. The concept is then operationalized using the city data on employment and the activity of firms. The aim of this paper is to assess and analyze the provision of cultural industries and its contribution to the Gondar city administration economy in terms of employment. The main focus of the study is cultural industries especially performing art activities in the town. To this result, the practice of cultural industries, stakeholders participation, the existing rules and regulation will be examined. While a variety of definitions of the term cultural industries have been suggested, this paper will use the definition suggested by UNESCO (see is based on the notion that cultural industries add value to contents and generate values for individuals and societies. They are knowledge and labor intensive, create employment and wealth, nurture creativity-the raw material they are made from-,and foster innovation in production and commercialization processes. At the same time, cultural industries are central in promoting and maintaining cultural diversity and in ensuring democratic access to culture. This twofold nature-both cultural and economic-builds up a distinctive profile for cultural industries. The main questions/issues addressed in this paper are: What is the existing condition of cultural industries in Gondar town ? What are the contribution of cultural industries on the economy in terms of employment? What are the needs and threats of cultural practitioners? What are the challenges of the municipality in the provision and management of cultural industries? What solutions are needed? What options exist for cultural industries provision and management? To attain this, descriptive survey research method will be working based upon primary and secondary data gathering and interviews with stakeholders and responsible government officials. Finally, the study is believed to be a new input, since there has been no research on this area especially for this city. Acronyms UNESCO US UK TV Statement of the problem There is debate about how to define corruption; thus, it is important to define it thoroughly from the outset to determine what use the definitions play in our understanding of the phenomenon. In the new global economy, X has become a central issue for In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in This paper will focus on/examine/give an account of This paper seeks to address the following questions: This essay critically examines/discusses/traces The purpose of this paper is to review recent research into the This paper will review the research conducted on In this paper I argue that.. This chapter reviews the literature concerning the usefulness of using The aim of this paper is to determine/examine The aim of this study was to evaluate and validate Defining or establishing what keywords mean in your work: While a variety of definitions of the term X have been suggested, this paper w definition first suggested by Smith (1968) who saw it as. Throughout this paper the term X will refer to/will be used to refer to. In this article the acronym/abbreviation XYZ will be used. .; to identify the current challenges and opportunities of cultural industries, and to assess the existing rules, laws and regulation of cultural industries; and also to recommend necessary policy intervention measures that could be helpful for this areas. CHAPTER ONE Introduction Background of the Study In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the place of culture in the economy. In recent years government and regional authorities in the Ethiopia countries have begun to take seriously the idea of cultural activities being crucial components of their economies in need of industrial support and development. The role of culture in the functioning and development of Ethiopian economies has become an increasingly popular topic for both researchers and policymakers alike. In particular, there has been a growing awareness in recent years that cultural industries such as film, music and the media are increasingly important and vibrant parts of many countries economiesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦../unpublished/ This paper argues that cultural industries sector is an area of the global economy where SIDS enjoy some comparative advantage in production and where there is a window of opportunity given the rise of the digital economy and the increasing commercialization of the arts. The view is that cultural industries may offer more sustainable development options since they draw on the creativity and enterprise of local artists and communities. It is also argued that the cultural industries play a dual role in that it is an economic sector with growth potential and an arena for identity formation. The paper identifies ways in which SIDS can benefit from the increased commercialization of the arts and cultural industries. The paper will also outline the main challenges and opportunities for SIDS in the global cultural economy as well as give broad recommendations by drawing on the experience of the Caribbean. The term cultural industries encompasses a wide variety of co modified activities, including the mass media, film, art, design, music and architecture. There effects are important to national economies in terms of their impacts on trade, employment levels (Casey, Dunlop, and Selwood 1996: European commission 1999: Europian union 2000: Greffe 1997: Pratt 1997b) industrial ownership and investment patterns of consumption. This study starts by discussing some of the definitional problems that characterize research on cultural industries. Using a broad definition of cultural industries understood as an industrial or production system (pratt 1997b), I then analyze stastical data on the levels of employment and the activity of firms in Gondar cultural industries b/n 1994 and 1995. This study investigates cultural industries as both a concept and reality in the context of Gondar. I show that although cultural industries are not the most important economic activities in the Gondar economy, they represent a significant and fast growing area with some distinctive characteristics. Globalization bring modernization. Modernization has positive and negative impact. One of its negative impact have a tendency to destroy local creativity and dominated local peoples to foreign culture and attitude. Local cultural goods if properly packaged and marketed could play an important role in economic system. Many aspects of culture, particularly in the area of dance, music and arts have influenced active industries around the world. But the ability to package cultural activities into marketable goods that can penetrate global markets is a big challenges for countries. Even local markets have not been fully exploited. A major challenges has been the ability to mobilize the creativity of people and exploit them for growth and development. Ethiopia recognizes the role of culture and tourism in development and has national policies on culture and tourism which aims at promoting cultural activities. What the reforms have failed to do is to effectively link culture with business so as to build a sustainable industry. The objective of this paper is focusing on the trends and issues of cultural industries in Gondr city administration. After introducing some concepts about the study area, the paper reviewed different literatures concerning the issue understudy. The research methodology that the paper adopted is also included. In addition to this data presentation and analysis is part of this paper. Finally the researcher winds the paper up by concluding the whole parts of it and giving possible recommendation for the gaps which are researched. 1.2 Statements of problem Ethiopia has her own culture and identity. This culture and identity face a big challenge due to globalization. Local creativity has definitely been minimized by the nature of technological changes and the structural shift in economies, particularly in most productive activities. To be competitive in a globalizing world Ethiopia must promote her cultural economy. This is also true to Gondar city administration. This is still very weak despite the enormous resources available in the country as well as the city. There is a need to assess the value of the arts and culture in the economy. We have to know what the sector looks like and what products and services are involved. Who are the stakeholders in the sector and also what are the elements of the cultural economy in the city are one focus of this studies. Besides what are the challenges to the cultural economy and what is the marketing structure of the sector also other concern areas. 1.3 Objectives of the Study 1.3.1 General Objective The general objective of the study is to assess and analyze the provision of cultural industries and its role for employment opportunities in Gondar city administration . 1.3.2 Specific Objectives Describe cultural industries role for employment opportunities in Gondar city administration . Identify the existing conditions of cultural industries in the Gondar city administration . Describe the current challenges and opportunities of cultural industries in the Gondar city administration . Assess the rules, laws and regulation of cultural industries in the Gondar city administration . Recommend necessary policy intervention measures that could be helpful for Gondar city administration and other similar areas. 1.4 Research Questions What is the existing condition of cultural industries in Gondar town ? What are the impacts of cultural industries on the economy? What are the needs and threats of cultural practitioners? What are the challenges of the municipality in the provision and management of cultural industries? What solutions are needed? What options exist for cultural industries provision and management? 1.5. Significance of the Study The study will enables the researcher to have introduce overview of the existing situations of cultural industries for comprehensive understanding. The study will have a contribution to the community, private investor, local authorities and planners to give proper attention for the multifunction and benefits of cultural industries. It can also some policy indications that are helpful for municipal government and planner to consider as part of their overall town planning ingredients. It will also fill the knowledge gap that exist because there is no study on cultural industries in Gondar. Furthermore, this study serves as a reference for other researchers who are interested in conducting studies on this issue. 1.6. Scope of the Study The study is delimited spatially in the Gondar city administration which is found in the Amhara regional state. The key concerns of the study is examining the status of cultural industries and explaining factors that challenge for the provision of the issue. Besides the impact of cultural industries on the economy of the town is discussed in this paper. Furthermore, based on the indications and results of the study feasible strategies will be recommended to resolve the problem. 1.7 Description of the study area Gondar city administration is a city in Amhara national regional state of Ethiopia. And located on the Southern shore of Lake Tana and the source of the Blue Nile (Abay) river. The city is sited 567km north-west of Addis Ababa along Addis Ababa- Dejen- Debremarkos-Bure road and 465km Addis Ababa-Dejen-Motta road. Gondar city administration currently structured as a metropolitan city including 9 city kebles, 4 adjacent rural kebeles and 3 satellite towns(Meshenti, Zeghie and Tis Abay). The city has a latitude and longitude of 110 38 N and 370 15 E and an elevation of 1840m above sea-level (BDIDP, 2006). Its location at this spot favors the city with many and multifaceted opportunities like water resource (Lake and River), suitable topography, favorable climate to live. Based on figures issued by the central statistical agency in 2007, the city has an estimated total population of 230,344 of whom 107,578 males and 112,766 females (CSA, 2007). CHAPTER TWO 2. Literature Review culture is different from society to society. Even though, cultural activities vary from society to society, they have the same economic impact. So that, in this part the paper tries to utilize different literatures, which are very relevant for the study like the existing situations, socio-economic benefits, challenges and opportunities and policies and strategies related to art, culture and cultural industries extensively by reviewing from the works of different authors. 2.1 Theoretical and conceptual Frame work 2.1.1 The concept of cultural industries The term cultural or creative industries describes the economic activities of artists, arts enterprises and cultural entrepreneurs, for-profit as well as not-for-profit, in the production, distribution and consumption of film, television, literature, music, theatre, dance, visual arts, masquerade, broadcasting, multimedia, animation, fashion and so on. The sector is not just a commercial arena, it is a symbolic and social space where spiritual values, psychic meaning and bodily pleasures are displayed, enacted and represented. From this perspective the cultural/creative industries play a dual role: they are an important area for investment in the new knowledge economy and a means of bolstering spiritual values and cultural identity. This is why UNESCO recommends that countries should maximize potential economic contribution as well as facilitate national, regional and world dissemination of endogenous cultural creativity. /www.caricomorg/index.php?options=com-docmantask/ For the purpose of this study we use the term cultural industries to describe the activities of cultural entrepreneurs and arts enterprises, for-profit as well as not-for-profit in the production, distribution and consumption of film, television, books, music, theatre, dance, visual arts, multimedia, animation, fashion and so on. The concept of cultural industries comprises all enterprises and self-employed persons whose economic activities focus on the production, dissemination and intermediation of artistic and cultural products or services. In other words: all subsectors and market segments that are related to culture in a wide sense, e.g. music industry, publishing industry, arts, film industry etc. This embraces individual artistic ideas or original works of art, products of the applied arts, the trade of art works and products of popular culture, even the dissemination of cultural goods and services through the mass media. / In terms of industry definition, the cultural goods and services involve creativity in their production, embody some degree of intellectual property and convey symbolic meaning. (David Throsby,2001) Cultural products are goods and services that include the arts (performing arts, visual arts, architecture), heritage conservation (museums, galleries, libraries), the cultural industries (written media, broadcasting, film, recording), and festivals. UNESCO has declared that these products are not like other forms of merchandise.( The production, distribution, exhibition and preservation of cultural products can be a source of inspiration and creativity for cultural industries, generating considerable income and employment fuelled by the growing demand for cultural goods and services in an expanding marketplace. Many businesses today, small, medium and large, create wealth using the forms and materials of traditional cultures. Local cooperatives have been formed in some countries to produce and market handmade crafts, textiles that employ traditional designs, audio recordings of traditional music, pharmaceuticals that use indigenous knowledge of healing plants. Trade in cultural products can contribute to the quality of life in the places they are produced, and can enhance the image and prestige of the local area. Some cultural products can also play an important role in community food security, nutrition and health. Their benefits are relatively more important for poorer households, women and disadvantaged groups. Sadly, the commercialization of cultural products has often not benefited the countries of origin, particularly in the fields of music, film, video production, visual arts, crafts and performing arts and dance. And despite their economic potential, most cultural products are hardly researched and rarely feature in national economic statistics. / 2.1.2 Creative Industries and Development Globally, creative industries are estimated to account for more than 7 per cent of the worlds gross domestic product and are forecast to grow, on average, by 10 per cent a year. While the economic and employment-generating potential of these industries is vast and many developing and transition countries have great potential in this area, most are still marginal players, despite their rich cultural heritage and an inexhaustible pool of talent. That position reflects a combination of domestic policy weaknesses and global systemic biases. Ongoing research has emphasized the potential of these industries in developing countries. Creativity, more than labour and capital, or even traditional technologies, is deeply embedded in every countrys cultural context. Excellence in artistic expression, abundance of talent, and openness to new influences and experimentation are not the privilege of rich countries. With effective nurturing, these sources of creativity can open up new opportunities f or developing countries to increase their shares of world trade and to leap-frog into new areas of wealth creation. ( 2.1.3 cultural industries in urban regeneration and regional growth Throsby noted that the importance of the arts in the economic life of the city and as a means for urban regeneration was first recognized several decades ago. More recently, interest has widened to embrace broader issue of the urban cultural fabric, community values and the prospects for re-thinking urban design along environmentally and culturally sensitive lines. Culture is importantly implicated in the process of urban development. At least four non-mutually-exclusive roles for culture in the life of cities can be observed. First, a specific cultural facility may comprise on its own a significant cultural symbol or attraction affecting the urban economy. Second, a cultural district may act as a node for development in the local area. Third, the cultural industries, especially the performing arts, may constitute a vital component of a citys economy. Fourth, culture may have a more pervasive role in urban development through the fostering of community identity, creativity, cohesion and vitality, via the cultural characteristics and practices which define the city and its inhabitants. (Throsby 2001, p.124) With in this context the concept of cultural capital is a useful way of depicting the place of culture in the urban setting. Heritage buildings, cultural institutions, facilities such as theatres, concert halls, crafts workshops, artists studios and so on can all be seen as capital assets, and the People who produce cultural goods and services in these facilities-actors, musicians, craftspeople, writers, technicians, designers, administrators and many others- all contribute to the generation of economic and cultural value over time. (Throsby 2001, p.126) 2.1.4 cultural industries/economy in Ethiopia Ethiopia is an ancient country with a rich cultural heritage which includes both tangible and non tangible assets, centuries old handicraft production, an exceptional variety of ceremonies, festivals, celebrations and rituals, as well as eight cultural and natural heritage sites registered on the on UNESCOs World Heritage list. Given its rich cultural heritage and having emerged as the most stable country in the Horn of Africa, Ethiopias potential for economic growth through tourism is highly underutilized. The abundant supply of labor is a potential resource for development with little requirement for investment, in particular in regards to handicrafts and other arts that require intensive manual labor. The government has expressed its desire to improve management of the major cultural sites and the promotion of Tourism as a source of income and sustainable development. Centuries old local industries are at risk by the lack of cultural status assigned to bearers of cultural traditions within society, as well as traditionally low prices, which translate into low incentives to learn the trade, putting at risk the national cultural heritage. Population pressures together with environmental degradation, poverty and global warming endanger Ethiopias natural and cultural heritage. Indigenous knowledge and practi ces need to be safeguarded from globalization. History of cultural homogenization, together with a pressure for modernization, have undermined the value of cultural diversity. / In spite of existing legal instruments, such as the recently enacted intellectual property laws can create and enabling environment, Ethiopia does not have a policy framework to guide the development of the cultural industry, and its instruments do not yet incorporate indigenous knowledge and natural heritage management traditions. The lack of comprehensive laws and policies, as well as poor enforcement and implementation of existing policies and regulatory frameworks, in part due to lack of capacity and public awareness, has resulted in a poor institutional framework. Although most products are original and functional, there is no standardization, which would allow them to compete in the international market. Additionally, there are no market linkages between producers and traders, with agents retaining a good share of the profit. Further to income loss this translates into low specialization and the inability to respond to market demand. Poor coordination leads to lack of integrati on and synergies, while efforts of stakeholders become fragmented and possibly duplicated. / 2.1.5 challenges and opportunities of cultural industries The challenges facing the creative industries are different from those posed to the traditional goods sector. Firstly, intellectual property protection and commercialization is a top priority. The creative industries cannot survive in the marketplace without adequate protection from copyright infringement. Without such protection cultural entrepreneurs would be at the mercy of piracy, bootlegging, counterfeiting and other forms of infringement such as unlicensed broadcasting. Secondly, research and development must be placed higher on the agenda. In the cultural industries research and development means investment in human and creative capital. This is a critical area as the cultural industries start with creativity and it accounts for a large share of investment in the sector. Lastly, marketing and branding are crucial because audience loyalty is difficult to build and predict. With the rise of the digital and Internet economy there is a tendency to underestimate the level of the challenge of introducing new and alternative genres into the world market for creative goods and services. Ultimately, the issue that arises for developing country regions is whether they will be able to develop the expertise along with the distribution infrastructure and marketing savvy to tap into the growth potential of the rising creative sector. One of the main challenges in penetrating the international market is that of introducing new and alternative art forms and genres in global, regional and national markets that are increasingly saturated with content from the main cultural exporters (e.g. the US, UK and India). Participating in these markets is not just a matter of building competitiveness it also calls for changing consumer tastes and lifestyles, which is requires heavy, capital-intensive marketing and alliances with global firms. The countries of the region are also faced with a number of challenges that are associated with small and peripheral economies such as weak management and inadequate information systems, shortage of skilled personnel, low levels of training, poor manufacturing and service facilities, uncompetitive packaging and branding, weak marketing and distribution channels, high levels of copyright infringement and piracy and weak rights management and royalties collections. There also tends to be an historical, institutional and commercial bias against indigenous content in the home market that marginalizes and limits local entrepreneurship, investment and market development. The key opportunities relate to changes like rising domestic cultural content in developing countries, the growth of Diaspora markets and networks, the increasing interest in authenticity and indigenous culture in the tourism industry, cost reductions in new digital technologies, the growth of global media (e.g. cable TV, satellite radio, Internet), and the emergence of Internet marketing and broadcasting. In this context existing strategies for ensuring competitiveness and sustainable development are inadequate. It is against this backdrop that recommendations for developing the potential of the cultural industries through the application of industrial, trade and innovation policies must be made. /www.caricomorg/index.php?options=com-docmantask/ Chapter -3 3. Research Design and Methodology 3.1. Research design To make the data valid and up to date and to arrive at reliable findings, the researcher applying the field and desk surveying method and then collects various types of data related to the study under consideration. Review of available literature and documents, collection and analysis of both primary and secondary data will be carried out. Interviews and discussions with relevant officials of the government and stakeholders will be also held. Relevant documents, journals, reports, books, newspapers, project reports, etc used as a source of information. 3. 1. 1 The types of research The study categorizes descriptive types of research and will carry out by quantitative research that can produce quantifiable numerical data. 3.1.2. Source of the data The researcher used both primary and secondary source of data to gather accurate and reliable information. 3.1.3. Data collection techniques To gather the reliable information, the researcher will use the following data instruments. Those are: Questionnaire, Interview, and Field observation. 3.1.4. Sampling Design The researcher distributes the Questionnaire for the stakeholders who are dwellers of the town and practice on cultural activities. The sample size will decide after actual observation done on cultural activities practitioners. 3.1.5. Sampling Technique: The researcher use both probability and non-probability sampling technique in collecting the information. From non-probability sampling the researcher use purposive (judgmental sampling). He uses his judgment to choose or pick only those who best meet the purpose of the study. From the probability sampling the researcher use stratified random sampling method to make the inclusive and to get data from different subject population 3.1.6 Limitation of the study Financial and time constraints will be the main challenges of this research study. Moreover, during the time of data collection, the study may face different problems such as unwillingness of the respondents and informants. Finally, the study will be challenged by lack of organized data which are relevant to the study. 4. CONCLUSION Misunderstanding of the impact of cultural industries on the economy system will be a challenge in Sub-Saharan African countries including Ethiopia even though the level and impact of cultural industries in creation of job vary from city to city. Hence, the general objective of the study will be to assess and analyze the impact of cultural industries on Gondar city administration economy, and to come up with possible solution to improve the existing problems. To substantiate the study, cultural industries related literatures are reviewed. To conduct the study both primary and secondary data will be obtained and analyzed. The primary data will be collected through questionnaires and structured interview and the collected data will be analyzed using descriptive methods of data analysis and will be presented with the help of tables graphs, figures and charts. Finally, based on the findings, possible recommendations will be drawn to improve the role of cultural industries on the economy of Gondar city administration city.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Yank as a Modern Day Oedipus in O Neills Play, The Hairy Ape Essay

Yank as a Modern Day Oedipus in O' Neill's Play, The Hairy Ape The representation of tragedy today has adapted itself to more humanistic, base and symbolic concerns. Often, they are commentaries on society just as much as they are on the nature of man. Although O' Neill insists that his play "The Hairy Ape" is not a tragedy, but rather a dark comedy, the play follows the definition of a tragedy. The basic points that make up a tragedy still remain the same, even if they have to be slightly modified to be relevant to today's audience. Despite this, The Hairy Ape bears a striking resemblance to the quintessential Greek tragedy, Oedipus Rex. The only direct challenge to the Aristotelian definition of tragedy is the portrayal of the tragic hero as not only not being a "noble" in the traditional sense, but usually as a working class, common man. Arthur Miller discusses this belief in his essay "Tragedy and the Common Man". In it, he insists that "we never hesitate to attribute to the well placed and the exalted the very same mental processes as the lowly" and "if the exaltation of tragic action were truly the property of the high bred character alone, it is inconceivable that the mass of mankind should cherish tragedy above all other forms, let alone be capable of understanding it"(Miller 1162). According to Aristotle, a tragedy concerns a person of noble stature. In the modern sense, as explained by Miller, "noble" does not necessarily mean royalty or upper class, merely that the tragic protagonist "is ready to lay down his life, if need be, to secure one thing - his sense of personal dignity"(1162). Yank is willing to do this. His sense of justice is primitive in that he is not concerned with the consequences of his reve... ... leads him back to the realization that he was the criminal that he had been pursuing. Works Cited and Consulted Carpenter, Frederic I. Eugene O’Neill. New York: Twayne Publishers, Inc., 1964. Clark, Marden J. â€Å"Tragic Effect in The Hairy Ape.† Modern Drama 10 1968 Egri, Peter. â€Å"'Belonging' Lost: Alienation and Dramatic Form in Eugene O’Neill’s The Hairy Ape† in Critical Essays on Eugene O’Neill. James J. Martine, ed. Boston: G.K. Hall & Co., 1984. Miller, Arthur. "Tragedy and the Common Man." Weales, Gerald, ed. Death of a Salesman: Text and Criticism. New York: Penguin Books 1996 O’Neill, Eugene. â€Å"The Hairy Ape† in Four Plays by Eugene O’Neill. New York: Signet Classic, 1998. Vernant, J.-P. â€Å"Tensions and Ambiguities in Greek Tragedy.† In J.-P. Vernant and P. Vidal-Naquet, eds., Tragedy and Myth in Ancient Greece. Sussex, N. J. 1981.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Investigate the Effect of Temperature on Cell Membranes and Membrane St

Investigate the Effect of Temperature on Cell Membranes and Membrane Structure If you read a recipe for cooked beetroot it will usually recommend that you don’t remove the outer skin of the beetroot and don’t cut off al the stalk and root if you want to avoid getting lots of red dye in the cooking water. Beetroot contains red pigments called betalains, located within the cell vacuole. Normally the pigments can’t pass through membranes but they leak out when the beetroot is cooked. Aim – The aim of this practical is to use beetroot to examine the effect of the temperature on cell membranes and relate the effects observed to membrane structure. To function correctly a cell needs to be able to control transport across the partially permeable cell membrane. Theory – To understand how the red pigment leaks out of the beetroot it is essential that we understand the molecular Structure of a plasma membrane. A membrane is a phospholipid bilayer. This means that it has two layers of molecules called phospholipids. Each of these phospholipid molecules has two parts: †¢ A 'head' that will mix with water but not with fat (i.e. it is hydrophilic) †¢ Two 'tails' that will mix with fat but not with water (i.e. they are hydrophobic). In the phospholipid bilayer, the hydrophilic heads are always on the outside of the membrane. The hydrophobic tails are always on the inside of the membrane. Alone, this arrangement of phospholipids would form a barrier to water and to water-soluble substances. However, other molecules are scattered among the phospholipids. These include lipids (including cholesterol in the membranes of animals), proteins and polysaccharides. The proteins in membranes are of special interest to us. This is because they have a number of important functions. Proteins function as: †¢ Carriers for water-soluble molecules (such as glucose) †¢ Channels for ions (such as sodium and chloride ions) †¢ Pumps, which use energy to move water-soluble molecules and ions †¢ Receptors, which enable hormones and nerve transmitters to bind to specific cells †¢ Recognition sites, which identify a cell as being of a particular type †¢ Enzymes, which speed up chemical reactions at the edge of the membrane The ways that substances move across cell membrane are 1. Diffusion 2. Active transport 3. Faci... ...ees Celsius. Because at 30 degrees Celsius I would have presumed that the membrane would have been fairly stable. However my graph shows the contrary. This might be due to sources of error in my experiment. Experiments - I have successfully gained my results that back my hypothesis. However the results have limitations and some sources of error. The size of the beetroot is essential. In my experiment I used a ruler and cork bore to measure out the same size beetroot. The cork borer was a a good aid as it ensured that the beetroot had the same diameter. However using a ruler could present possible error. Due to the surface area to volume ratio. As the test tubes were taken out of the water bath and placed the in the colorimeter the temp reduced by a few degrees. This small error could of change the results by 0.5 percent inaccuracy. This is because of insufficient equipment. I understand this experiment is only on a small scale but to gain better results each test tube going up in 10 degrees Celsius so we can tell the point of denaturing more accurately, however I feel that I my experiment showed breath of how a membrane functions under temperature change.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

An Inspirationally Destructive Red Pen Essay -- Essays Papers

An Inspirationally Destructive Red Pen When children first start school they begin a new extensive journey, first meeting all new people and then having to learn a broad array of new things. One of those new things is how to read and also write. Teachers start out slow by having students write in big capital letters on funny looking red and green striped paper, next moving on to cursive letters with still that same silly paper. After a short while the students are on their own, writing notes for classes, notes to friends and family, along with research papers and stories for their teachers in school. And that is where my story begins, room 216 on the second floor of Pottsville Area High School. School had just started; it was the fall of my sophomore year. I was excited about having new teachers and being able to boss around those little freshmen since I had finally lost that ridiculous title of â€Å"freshy.† Although one class did turn all that excitement right into knots in my stomach, it was English 10. Ugh I hated English, partially because I could never remember all those rules of writing, which I had just thought of as â€Å"dumb.† I figured, â€Å"Why would I ever need to know all them? Computers will be able to fix all my mistakes for me!† As I would soon find out, boy was I ever wrong. Surprisingly, class was going good; our teacher Mr. Mieckowski seemed to be a little weird and quite boring at times but all in all not too bad I mean who isn’t boring occasionally? He had a shiny head with very little hair and never wore long sleeves to class. He was also quite tall and skinny, so everyone had his or her own conclusion about Mr. Mie ckowski’s personal life. A lot of the time this ended up being the topic of conversation for his students, along with his hatred towards icicle lights, white reindeer, and especially technology; the thing I loved most. We spent most of the first month in Mr. M.’s class just going over â€Å"the infamous page one† as he liked to call it and just reading some great pieces of literature, including Of Mice and Men and Julius Caesar. Then one winter day, we all came into his cool green room and sat down, chatting with our neighbors as usual until the bell rang to signify the start of class. When the bell rang, our teacher began talking about our upcoming assignments; he told us we would be writing 3 essays during the next ... .... My faced turned pale, I knew for sure I was one of those exceptions. He began to discretely pass our papers back to us. Everyone was getting his or her papers except me. Sure enough I was on the bottom of the pile. I didn’t even want to look at it. While everyone was asking their friends how they had done, I just sat there. Griff then asked me how I did and I replied, â€Å"I dunno, you tell me† and handed him my paper. He looked at it and said, â€Å"Damn you beat me† I was shocked I looked at it; I had received a 97%. I just felt as though I wanted to jump out of my seat and scream. I would have had a 100 except for a few spelling errors, probably due to how fast I had written the final copy. Disregarding those lost 3 points, I was ecstatic. My paper was a work of art to me I wanted to frame it and hang it on my wall at that point. As time went on that excitement wore off and I realized it just wasn’t a paper I had written, it was a story along wit h an instructional guide I had written in my mind on how to write a paper. From that point on I knew I could tackle any paper those teachers could throw at me and it was all thanks to Mr. Mieckowski and his inspirationally destructive red pen. An Inspirationally Destructive Red Pen Essay -- Essays Papers An Inspirationally Destructive Red Pen When children first start school they begin a new extensive journey, first meeting all new people and then having to learn a broad array of new things. One of those new things is how to read and also write. Teachers start out slow by having students write in big capital letters on funny looking red and green striped paper, next moving on to cursive letters with still that same silly paper. After a short while the students are on their own, writing notes for classes, notes to friends and family, along with research papers and stories for their teachers in school. And that is where my story begins, room 216 on the second floor of Pottsville Area High School. School had just started; it was the fall of my sophomore year. I was excited about having new teachers and being able to boss around those little freshmen since I had finally lost that ridiculous title of â€Å"freshy.† Although one class did turn all that excitement right into knots in my stomach, it was English 10. Ugh I hated English, partially because I could never remember all those rules of writing, which I had just thought of as â€Å"dumb.† I figured, â€Å"Why would I ever need to know all them? Computers will be able to fix all my mistakes for me!† As I would soon find out, boy was I ever wrong. Surprisingly, class was going good; our teacher Mr. Mieckowski seemed to be a little weird and quite boring at times but all in all not too bad I mean who isn’t boring occasionally? He had a shiny head with very little hair and never wore long sleeves to class. He was also quite tall and skinny, so everyone had his or her own conclusion about Mr. Mie ckowski’s personal life. A lot of the time this ended up being the topic of conversation for his students, along with his hatred towards icicle lights, white reindeer, and especially technology; the thing I loved most. We spent most of the first month in Mr. M.’s class just going over â€Å"the infamous page one† as he liked to call it and just reading some great pieces of literature, including Of Mice and Men and Julius Caesar. Then one winter day, we all came into his cool green room and sat down, chatting with our neighbors as usual until the bell rang to signify the start of class. When the bell rang, our teacher began talking about our upcoming assignments; he told us we would be writing 3 essays during the next ... .... My faced turned pale, I knew for sure I was one of those exceptions. He began to discretely pass our papers back to us. Everyone was getting his or her papers except me. Sure enough I was on the bottom of the pile. I didn’t even want to look at it. While everyone was asking their friends how they had done, I just sat there. Griff then asked me how I did and I replied, â€Å"I dunno, you tell me† and handed him my paper. He looked at it and said, â€Å"Damn you beat me† I was shocked I looked at it; I had received a 97%. I just felt as though I wanted to jump out of my seat and scream. I would have had a 100 except for a few spelling errors, probably due to how fast I had written the final copy. Disregarding those lost 3 points, I was ecstatic. My paper was a work of art to me I wanted to frame it and hang it on my wall at that point. As time went on that excitement wore off and I realized it just wasn’t a paper I had written, it was a story along wit h an instructional guide I had written in my mind on how to write a paper. From that point on I knew I could tackle any paper those teachers could throw at me and it was all thanks to Mr. Mieckowski and his inspirationally destructive red pen.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Free Trade and Fair Trade

Free Trade and Fair Trade All over work places and school campuses around the world you can be sure to find cocoa, coffee and certain other products that are labeled â€Å"free trade,† but is fair trade the same as free trade? â€Å"Free† and â€Å"fair† are powerful, often abused words when applied to the concept of trade. I will attempt to clarify the differences between free and fair trade, show how they may overlap, and the beneficial in each system. Deliberate trade benefits both the buyer and the seller. The benefits in excess of costs are the gains from trade.An efficient society maximizes the gains from trade by wisely using human, natural and capital resources. Political processes redistribute these gains to promote or reduce equity. Free trade means that anyone can trade with anyone else. Property rights are typically maintained, but government intervention in markets are minimal at best, (Wetzel). The fairness of this trade depends on the amount of com petition between buyers and sellers. For example, products price rises when there are few sellers and many buyers. In this case, sellers gained because they have â€Å"market power†.With few buyers and many sellers, the price falls; buyers use their market power to gain. Fair Trade is about more than just paying a fair wage. It means that trading partnerships are based on equal benefits and mutual respect; that prices paid to producers reflect the work they do; that workers have the right to organize; that national health, safety, and wage laws are enforced; and that products are environmentally sustainable and conserve natural resources, (Codey). When trade is freed, competition increases, market power falls and gains distributed more evenly. Numerous buyers and sellers in the farmer’s market reduce bargaining power.Seller competition pushes price down; buyer competition holds them up. Free trade can be fair trade, but agreements that open some markets to powerful pro ducer where they can use their market power, while keeping others closed and uncompetitive, are neither free nor fair. Free trade and fair trade can provide important benefits to participants. Free trade is benefit by all those involved, especially the large multination corporations. It helps nations develop the best economic policies for their citizens. Companies willing to meet consumer demand for several items will look for the cheapest resources or goods to increase supply.Nations engaging in free trade allow companies to import resources or goods from international countries with no government restrictions or tariffs. Governments placing restrictions or tariffs on imported goods often increase a cost of doing business in the domestic economic market, (Mathews 2009). Free trade can help nations improve job opportunities in the economic market. Meanwhile, fair trade provides favorable economic opportunity for those smallholder farming families able to join producer organizations and provide products of the right specifications for the market.Fair trade improves health, education, and agricultural development in the community. Finally, free and fair trade is somehow important to participants that are involved. However clarifying the different between free and fair trade, show how they may overlap, and the beneficial in each system is the main context of this essay. Codey, Scott & Embry, Mary. â€Å" Fair Trade Resource Network. † Education and Discussion to Mark Trade Fair. 1999. 05 Oct. 2012 Mathews, Tony. â€Å"Enhancing the Global Linkages of Cooperatives: The Fair Trade Option. † 2009. 05 Oct. 2012. Wetzel, Doug. â€Å"Fair V. S. Free Trade. † 1999-2012. 05 Oct 2012.

Friday, August 16, 2019

What Is Leadership? Defining Leadership Qualities

Defining Leadership through the Fortune 500 Leadership is a difficult term to define. In literal definition, it means â€Å"the action of leading a group of people or an organization†. However, that is a very prosaic definition. What qualities make up â€Å"the action of leading a group of people or an organization†? One way to find out is to observe the qualities possessed by leaders themselves. The Fortune 500 is an annual ranking of America’s largest corporations. At the very head of each one of these 500 corporations is a single individual called a Chief Executive Officer, or CEO.The CEO is in charge of all of the main responsibilities of the corporation. So it is no doubt that CEO’s are leaders; the CEO’s of the Fortune 500 lead millions of employees and large scale business decisions everyday. As number two on the Fortune 500 list, Walmart is regarded as one of the very first â€Å"big businesses† to ever go multinational. The statistic s on Walmart are astonishing: housing more than two million full-time employees, boasting a whopping $405 billion in revenue last year and owning more than 8,500 stores worldwide.Beginning as a small business investment, it is no doubt that the Walmart corporation took someone with a vision to develop its domination in the business world. Not only did it take a vision, but someone audacious, reliable and empowering enough to execute such a large dream. In 1962, small business owner Sam Walton opened the very first Walmart in Rogers, Arkansas. The strategy of the business was one the world had not seen yet before: a chain discount store. Within just five years, it had expanded to 24 stores, and by 1968, it had went multistate.That was just the beginning of the Walmart rise to reign. But what qualities did Sam have to build such an empire? Many claims Walton was very inquisitive and open to criticism of his business in order to improve it; he was constantly concerned about the custome r and looking to improve. Walton was also optimistic; his positivity bred grounds for happy employees—gaining the willpower of each individual. Walton was also clever, learning from his competitors and seeing how he could use the skills he had seen to advance his own business.Today, Walmart is one of the largest corportations in the world thanks to its first CEO, Sam Walton. Walmart also gives back to its community: In 2011, Walmart and the Walmart Foundation gave $958. 9 million in cash and in-kind contributions around the world. Rising above Walmart this year for number one on the list of the Fortune 500 is ExxonMobil. Over the last 125 years, ExxonMobil has went from a kerosene distributor of the US to the largest publicly traded petroleum enterprise of the world. Their leadership strategies date back to its founding, with the Rockefeller’s oil industry.The Rockefellers were one of the biggest and first U. S. businesses back in the age of the industrial revolution. ExxonMobil has underwent several name changes and through many CEO’s to get to its standing in today’s #1 place in the market. So how does Rex Tillerson handle it all? Many report Tillerson as optimistic, clear and confident. He has been working with ExxonMobil for over thirty years, so it is apparent that he is consistent and persistent with his business as he deals with a fluctuating market.Communication also plays a major role in Tillerson’s leadership style. â€Å"What we support is continued efforts to understand the problem better. We need to work harder on articulating our views, and we're going to try to do better at that in the future,† Rex has said. Rex understands the importance of communicating within his company with his employees as well as potential investors. Not only is Tillerson a great business titan, but like Walmart, he gives back to his community.Through the work of Tillerson’s leadership, ExxonMobil is involved with many grou ps and organizations including his involvement of many organizations including Alpha Phi Omega, the United Negro College Fund, and the Boy Scouts of America. Allergan is ranked #457 on the Fortune 500 list, but do not be fooled by this number: it is by far the fastest growing corporation on the Fortune 500 list with a 155650. 0% change of profits from 2010 to 2011. David Pyott is the CEO of this pharmaceutical corporation and ranked #11 on Forbe’s list of CEO’s.He joined in late 1998 and reconstructed the business’s strategy on worldwide operations. In June 2006, he was awarded the honor of Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE) by Her Majesty the Queen in acknowledgment of Pyott’s contribution to British business excellence and management skills in the United States. Pyott holds leadership in many international boards as well as serves member in many international medical-related councils and organizations. Through this, he gai ns a keen view of the evolving world around him and applies this to his business.So it is of no doubt why Allergan can be seen as the fastest Fortune 500 under Pyott’s leadership of just 13 years thus far. Allergan also has significant claims about its companying, stating â€Å"Allergan, Inc. is a multi-specialty health care company focused on discovering, developing and commercializing innovative pharmaceuticals, biologics and medical devices that enable people to live life to its greatest potential — to see more clearly, move more freely, express themselves more fully. Tying back directly to this mission statement is their â€Å"insight for life† program that gives developing countries access to medicine and healthcare. So what is a leader based on the qualities expressed by three of America’s top CEO’s? Being a leader is being visionary, being communicative, being insightful, being clever, being open-minded, being persistent, being motivating, being smart, being hard-working and most of all, being caring and compassionate to those around you.